Clients *sigh*

"I'm terrified I'm going to wake up tomorrow and all of my clients have decided to leave me"

Relatable AF hey?

This is something one of my students said to me this week and oooofff did it hit a nerve.

My gut reaction was supportive, "why would they leave you? They value you! You're amazing, talented, spectacular, etc"

But I would be lying if I said I'd never felt that exact feeling before.

When she said it, it was like a visceral feeling appeared in the pit of my stomach, the idea that the clients, cash and confidence I've built over the years completely drying up overnight. It's enough to make you want to go back to bed, not to sleep, but to make a sad-burrito with the bed covers.

So what do we do with that feeling?

The temptation is to grip harder, make them stay, over-deliver to the point that they can't dream of leaving us or want to live without us. If we just show them how much they need us, they'll stay, right?

Well.... I don't know if that's the best idea.

I kinda see clients as tastebuds.

Your tastes and skills will change over time, so will theirs.

You won't always like the clients you served at the start of your freelance journey or still be interested in the work they're offering at the prices they're used to paying

Holding on to a client that's costing you rather than making you money isn't just bad for business, it's unhealthy for you as a person.

Client retention is one thing, and we aren't out here to burn bridges, but we also need to know when the current clients aren't serving future freelance Reader.

The skill to develop here isn't to convince them to stay, but to know how to replace them when they decide, or you choose, to move on.

There's plenty of ways to do this, but it's also the most asked question in alllllll of the freelance facebook groups:

"How is everyone finding new clients?"

"Is everyone else struggling to find clients and work right now or is it just me?"

"Where have all the clients gone, its so quiet. Everyone the same?"

Can I be honest? No.

I haven't had zero clients in... longer than I can remember as a freelancer. I'm not saying I haven't had quieter times once in a while, but it's never been for long.

I even wrote a blog this week on my 4 favourite ways to bake up a fresh batch of clients or work that you can read here (it's a good one) AND created a brand spankin' new mini guide. If you've dined on any of the free mini guides I've served before, you know you're in for a lil freebie treat that's packed with pages of flavour.

The best part? Cos you're right here, right now, you can grab it the easiest way possible...

Now go grab those resources, cook up some clients or work and make some dough!

p.s. This month is going to be ALLLLLL about the clients, and I'm bringing my favourite masterclass back for another serving. I'll share more in a few days but if there's one masterclass you make it to, make it this one.