
Welcome to the Creative Business Kitchen, may I take your order?

Every Wednesday I serve up a healthy helping of tips, tools, and recipes for success on a silver platter to run a freelance creative business that makes you money. From setting prices to finding hungry clients, personalised coaching to free pricing tools, I help you create your own recipe for success that feeds your passion and brings home the bacon.

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"A full breakdown of the $10k job I didn’t land... and why I’mglad I didn’t" surrounded by illustrated chillis on a navy blue background

A full breakdown of the $10k job I didn’t land... and why I’m glad I didn’t

A month or so back I had a client request that landed in my inbox that was IDEAL for me. AAAAND if this sounds familiar, you might remember I wrote about it in an email titled "I call it a F*ck around fee" Well, Reader, I've got a juicy lil update for you. But before I do, let's revisit the specifics, because I know if I were the one reading this email, I'd be curious about the deliverables, the expectations and the dollar figures we're making a fuss about. We all love a sticky beak, let's be...

0 days since "You're too expensive"

This past week I was told I was too expensive. Not once. Not twice. Three times. And to be honest, I am totally ok with it (hell, it makes for good content), simply because I'm confident in the price I provide and not willing to be available for less. Lemme break 'em down so you can nibble on the popcorn Client A, runs a HR business in the states and wanted someone to create a brand for her business. She needed help with messaging, theming, and positioning given she was trying to stand out in...

It's always stuck with me since that day

Last year, I wrapped up a job with a couple where I digitally painted and installed a mural inside a three-storey elevator shaft. Yeah. Certainly a unique experience, and definitely one I would bet I won't have again. But that job taught me so much about myself, my capabilities, my relationship building skills, and the value of problem solving. The client couple are two of the most unique, interesting and deeply wonderful people I think I've ever created for. I met them through a Good Karma...

Introducing the Buffet of Action

So last week in the Finding Hungry Clients Masterclass, there was a slide featured towards the end that was all about taking a few small actions now to see the benefits later. Here it is below: This really helped brainstorm some ways that they could start taking action now to get clients later. Anyone who was at the masterclass, this was their fav part (Other than the Q&A at the end of course). This challenged them to not just listen and take notes, but take action! So here's my challenge to...

Clients *sigh*

"I'm terrified I'm going to wake up tomorrow and all of my clients have decided to leave me" Relatable AF hey? This is something one of my students said to me this week and oooofff did it hit a nerve. My gut reaction was supportive, "why would they leave you? They value you! You're amazing, talented, spectacular, etc" But I would be lying if I said I'd never felt that exact feeling before. When she said it, it was like a visceral feeling appeared in the pit of my stomach, the idea that the...

Game. Set. Match.

If you were at our house at 4pm on most weekdays, you'd probably be popping your runners on and coming on a walk with me, my husband and our dachshund, Chorizo. Where we live in Oak Park is such a beautiful corner of the world, with tree-lined streets, cafe on the corner and the local footy club a stones throw away. On weekends you can even hear the roar of the crowd from our balcony. As creatures of habit (all three of us are), we have three set walks we go on, but all of them walk through...

Should my pricing be public 2.0

Last week you may remember I shared some of the links to my blog that I found in the Great Relinking 2024... it's now a thing. Well, one of those was my popular blog, Should my pricing be public? Within this blog I explored the pros and cons of the public pricing process: Pro: You can quickly weed out the ones who absolutely cannot afford you Pro: It’s clear you have nothing to hide Pro: It’s obvious that your rates are the same, regardless of who the client is (and how cashed up they are)...

So many lil treats 🍬

On Monday here in Melbourne, Australia, it was a public holiday and stupid hot outside (37c = 99F), so I finally decided to tackle one of those big tasks I've had on the back burner, and this one was threatening to eat me alive. The task: Updating my blog and Youtube videos to correct all the links in each. 33 Blogs 53 Videos So. Many. Links. (Some blogs have up to 8 links in them connecting to freebies, resources, masterclasses, courses, and other blogs) I have been successfully putting this...

Because bread is free, get it?

Next month marks 3 years since I took the leap and started teaching Pricing for Creatives and Freelancers. Which is kinda mindblowing to say... Can I tell you Reader, it has not all been sunshine and rainbows. Or cookies and cream. I had some other creative educators tell me pricing was too niche, too limiting, and no one would be interested in learning pricing when others taught more than me. I had days I fell into the trap of comparing myself to other educators, ones with massive teams and...